When you create a video for your marketing, it’s a dream to see it turn viral. Most corporate videos that have the viral effect have planned their promotional strategy carefully.
We wanted to share some tips with you to help you get the most out of having a corporate video produced:
Leverage your network
Within your company and through your employees you probably have a larger network of people you can reach out to than you realise. Make sure it’s not just your marketing and sales team who are on board to promote your video but everyone in the organisation. Let people know about the video and how they can share it with their networks. Don’t rule out customer service departments or behind-the-scenes employees who may not be directly involved in sales. Everyone in your organisation is familiar with your product and can help spread the word.
It might even help to send people a ‘sharing’ document with tips on where to link to the video, and with pre-written soundbites and social media updates that employees can just copy and paste. If you make it easy, it’s more likely to be done.
Provide an incentive for sharing
In addition to encouraging people you know to share your video, think about offering an incentive to help those early viewers get the word out about your video. You might want to create an event around the video such as a free webinar, or a free giveaway.
If you can create something worth talking about before you ask people to share, you’re already building momentum for your promotion.
Target audience hubs and industry hot spots
In addition to a grassroots promotional approach, think about targeting some of the hot spots where you know your ideal customers gather. These might be industry websites, or forums or popular blogs within your field.
Approach the owners and negotiate featuring your video, perhaps accompanied by an interview or a blog post. By approaching these types of “watering holes” you get to place your content directly in front of your target market, while being endorsed by the respected figures that run the site.
Make the content compelling
This should really be the number one rule but your content needs to be worth sharing. If you’re nervous about approaching a site to promote your video ask yourself why that is. Does the video need to be more entertaining? Or more emotional? Does it evoke a notable response in those who watch it?
While you can encourage the starting momentum in promoting your corporate video, the content needs to be strong enough to continue that wildfire spread through people telling each other “you’ve got to see this!”
For more information on creating a corporate video for your video marketing, contact flycreative today.