As a London video production company, we guide our clients through each stage of the video production stages from marketing and creative planning, pre-production, filming and post-production.
In fact, if you have any questions about what to expect during these stages when working with a video production company, please feel free to contact us.
From our experience working with businesses on corporate video production in London, we thought it might be useful to highlight some of the most important questions it’s worth answering before you work on your corporate video.
Who is your audience?
It’s always important to start off by thinking about who will be watching your video. Is it for customers? A specific area of customer segmentation, for suppliers, or for internal communications?
This will help you focus the need of your video to make it more interesting to your audience. Because once you know who the video is for you can then ask…
What problem of theirs will your corporate video solve?
It’s important that your video has independent value to the viewer in addition to showcasing the services of your business.
A video that is useful and relevant to your audience is more likely to be viewed, shared and remembered. Think about what problem your video solves. Does it educate users about a new service? Does it explain the benefits of your product that they might not be familiar with?
Does it promote best practice standards for employees? Knowing who you are targeting, and how you are going to help them will add value to your video.
How will the video be used?
It’s worth thinking about how your video will be used. Will it be a sales tool to accompany demonstrations of your product? Will it be part of a wider corporate video marketing campaign?
Is it to build relationships with new suppliers and vendors so that you can improve efficiency when working together? The answers to these questions will influence the subject matter as well as how the video is filmed and produced.
What format do you need it in?
At flycreative we provide all our videos in all formats as standard. However, some London video companies do charge for this so it’s worth thinking about what formats you need your video in. Do you need it ready for the web? In HD? Ready for a cinema screen, projector or mobile?
Will it be seasonal, dated or evergreen?
Some corporate videos will be seasonal such as Christmas or New Year videos. Others will be dated to specific events or promotions and some will be evergreen. Evergreen videos are ones that deal with subjects you always have to cover as a company (think about your Frequently Asked Questions by clients). These videos can be used again and again throughout the year without being linked or dated to a specific season or event.
Can you plan to re-purpose the video later on in your marketing campaigns?
Related to the above, if you have an evergreen video you can think about re-using it in upcoming campaigns. It’s worth doing a content audit of your current videos to see if they can be re-used, rather than having to shoot new ones.
If you can plan ahead and think about reusing the video before production you will increase the video’s value and get more for your investment.
When do you need it?
With pre-production, filming and post-production all needing to be planned with your video production company it’s worth knowing when you are going to need your video.
At flycreative we do offer fast turn-around production services, but ideally if you can plan at least 3-4 weeks ahead of needing your video you will have more choices when it comes to locations, talent and availability.
For any other questions about working with a London video production company, just get in touch!